Friday, May 25, 2012

German Physicians off the hook for Holocaust contributions?

It was announced yesterday that the German Medical Association finally apologized for the acts committed by doctors and scientists during the war. In the article it states that "the German doctors said they remember the living and deceased victims and their descendants and ask them for forgiveness". Call me crazy, but the doctors of the present are not the ones that actually committed any act of violence against a person during the Holocaust. Should the apology by accepted?

It is hard to look at this supposed apology and be eager to forgive them. After all, it was not just people like Josef Mengele who were experimenting on inmates at Auschwitz and Dachau. There was the Eugenics movement that got the ball rolling for the "Jewish question", which ultimately turned into the Final Solution.  Though the SS carried out a good majority of the murders that took place during the Holocaust, scientists were eager to further their scientific endeavors by experimenting on inmates without much research. Would those scientists really be sorry today, or are today's scientists just eager to try to push aside the world's negative view on German scientists.

Click here for the full article.

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