Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mein Kampf-- is Germany REALLY ready to have it released countrywide?

It was announced this week via German news source, DER SPIEGEL, that the banned work of ex-dictator Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, would be released to the German public. One German historian went so far as to say a way of describing the reasons to the rest of the world were that they were disarming the fuse of Mein Kampf's bomb. The Historian continues that it is a great source of understanding and studying Hitler's future policies that would become notorious when he became chancellor in 1933. Yes, I'm sure we're all quite aware of his policies by this point. I can understand wanting to release the book for scholarly research and students studying Hitler's agenda during his reign, but why fully release it to the public? In a world where anti-Semitism and Neo-Nazi movements are on the rise, not just in Germany, but all over the world, why add flame to the already billowing fire?

This book, which was once given out to every newly wed German couple, acted as a great propaganda tool for anyone who could stay awake to read it. Hitler, who may have thought he sounded like a great and powerful potential leader was probably one of the driest writers of the 20th century. Perhaps that is why the world was taken by surprise when Hitler slowly snuck that whole killing people who didn't agree with him or were different then his idea of the perfect 'Aryan', because no one could last more than a couple of pages without needing several pots of strong coffee or a good stimulant, like meth (der fuehrer's stimulant of choice). It is confusing to understand why now is the perfect time to release Mein Kampf now and five months ago when a publishing house wanted to publish it the German court system banned the distribution for at least thirty-six months. What has changed in that short amount of time?

To read the the Der Spiel article click here, to read the CNN article about continuing the ban click here, or to read an excerpt from Mein Kampf click here.

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